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Beetlejuice 2 Alec Baldwin Geena Davis

Michael Keaton Reveals First Cut Impression of 'Beetlejuice 2': Absence of Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis

Michael Keaton Shares Insight on 'Beetlejuice 2'

Original Cast Members Replaced in Upcoming Sequel

In a recent interview, Michael Keaton gave a glimpse into the upcoming sequel to the classic film 'Beetlejuice'. Keaton, who will reprise his role as the mischievous ghost, revealed his impressions of the first cut of the film, hinting at a significant change in the story.

The original 'Beetlejuice,' directed by Tim Burton in 1988, featured Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis as the Maitlands, a married couple who become ghosts after their untimely demise. However, according to Keaton, Baldwin and Davis will not be returning for the sequel, and their roles will instead be filled by an undisclosed cast.

Keaton's comments have sparked speculation about the reasons behind the absence of the original cast members. Some sources suggest the decision was made due to creative differences, while others hint at potential scheduling conflicts.

The 'Beetlejuice' sequel is set to continue the story of the Deetz family, who move into the Maitlands' former home and encounter a host of eccentric and supernatural characters. Jeffrey Jones, Winona Ryder, and Catherine O'Hara are expected to reprise their roles from the original film.

The release date for 'Beetlejuice 2' has not yet been announced, but fans of the beloved classic can eagerly anticipate the film's arrival and the fresh take on its iconic characters.
